The time is almost up. Three weeks have gone by quickly but, there’s always next year.
Most of the photos we’ve taken are of the street kind; glimpses of people and day to day activity. Lisbon’s very laid back and with the weather being endless days of blue sky and sunshine, it made it easy to walkabout and point the camera.
We walked to the LxFactory market one day. That was a 17km hike so good thing we are in reasonable shape. It’s an old run-down factory district which now houses trendy IT offices for the working millennials. On Sunday’s there’s a market and a whole lot of food joints. The walk was good but, meh, a markets’ a market.

LX FACTORY, is an abandoned industrial site which has been turned into a creative, cultural and gastronomic area inside restored factory buildings

We also walked over to the Aqueduct which we didn’t see last time. In fact, we didn’t even know about it. That was another 17km walk, but worth it. Built in the mid-1700’s this massive undertaking was to bring fresh clean water into Lisbon and was still being used until the 1970’s. Pretty impressive engineering. Makes me wonder why we can’t even build a stupid pipeline in Canada! (that last comment was just to piss off the eco-freaks btw. 😊).

This cistern of water is the underground part of Lisbon’s Aqueduct system

We also wandered by a very elegant cathedral we hadn’t seen before. Cathedrals, as you know, being the thing over here. Also pretty impressive engineering.

We did manage to get out to Cascais where the river meets the ocean. A very high-end touristo spot with lots of money floating in the marinas. It’s a 30-minute train ride from Lisbon and part of the metro system so for the price of bus fare, you can spend the day loafing on some nice beaches. Sintra is basically down the road from here but we did that last year.

So, we’ve wandered all over the city and there’s still much to see and do, but I think we’re ready for a change and the ocean beaches on the Algarve are calling our names. Weather looks real nice there too.